Migration from Exchange 2010 to 2013

Running migrations of Exchange is always a slow process, especially if you run into problems or hickups along the way. I’ve done my fare share of migrations and know a few basics to being with outright; Always migrate to a different server. Never do an inplace upgrade. I don’t even know if this is possible […]

Installing ForeFront 2010 on Windows 8 or Server 2012

After my earlier post on ForeFront EndPoint Protection I managed to get several updates from Microsoft to allow it to function but this left me without a working installer for new systems. After ready the patch notes on the hotfixes I found the update responsible for the client (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26583 FEP2010-Update-Rollup-KB2551095-x64-ENU.exe) and managed to find the installer […]

Exporting and importing cookie blocklists into IE

I block cookies, and so should you! If you every want to be shocked by how much crap people put on your PC you should (in Internet Explorer atleast) turn on these settings in “Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced” Once you have done this you will quickly become annoyed, like most of […]