Reis je regelmatig met de trein of zit je vaak bij dat leuke café met gratis WiFi, fijn hè? Vooral als je het dusdanig vaak doet dat je “automatisch aanmelden” hebt aangezet. Scheelt je weer dataverkeer op je abonnement, wie wil dat nou niet!? Jammer genoeg gebeuren er op de achtergrond nu alleen zaken waar […]
Author: Jodrik
Using Chocolatey to install a new laptop
I always dread the moment I have to reinstall my own laptop for work or home because of all the software I have to put on it. Recently I have discovered chocolatey and this has made it a very easy installation procedure. I did have to drop and swap some programs from there but beyond that it has […]
Removing old 1Password vaults from the selection menu
After doing alot of fiddling with my password vaults for the Windows Phone app I had a large list of unused password vaults in the quick select menu. To remove these I found the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AgileBits\1Password 4\MRU. Here you can delete the keys for vaults you no longer use.
Using PowerShell to change DNS servers
Using PowerShell to change DNS servers automatically EXAMPLE 1 PS C:\>Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 12 -ServerAddresses (“″,””) This example sets the DNS server addresses on a specified interface with the index value of 12. EXAMPLE 2 PS C:\>Set-DnsClientServerAddress –InterfaceIndex 12 -ResetServerAddresses This example resets the DNS client to use the default DNS server addresses specified by […]
Installing PECL mods for PHP on IIS
Although mentions there are no DLLs for PECL they can be found here Find the module you need, select a version (I always opt for the most recent version that will work with my flavor of PHP). To figure out which version you need run the phpinfo() command on your server. In the […]
Delta-Homes / Dela-Homes on Windows 8 browser high-jack is one of the most annoying things there is. Users seem to get it out of thin air and it is very hard to remove. I have spend about 30 minutes to document what is going on with this high-jack and how to resolve this. First of you will need to remove […]
Export all MySQL databases for backup backup user with the following global rights; SELECT, INDEX, SHOW DATABASES, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES, EVENT, TRIGGER, SHOW VIEW C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin\mysqldump.exe -u USERNAME -pPASSWORDHERE –all-databases –result-file=LOCATION
Custom Active Directory Domain Services Filter
Using Event Viewer to find error states in the “Active Directory Domain Services” role can be a big pain. I have created a custom filter that only displays errors, warnings and criticals. <QueryList> <Query Id=”0″ Path=”Directory Service”> <Select Path=”Directory Service”>*[System[Provider[@Name=’Microsoft-Windows-ActiveDirectory_DomainService’] and (Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3)]]</Select> <Select Path=”Directory Service”>*[System[Provider[@Name=’NTDS ISAM’] and (Level=1 […]
Project Prism “failed”, much learned!
My first dabble into building my own custom server have been a failure on many fronts; The design for the components on the front and rear plates was “good enough”, just not great so the fit and finish left much to be desired. The RAID card ended up being to high to use in the […]
Webmin “Linux RAID” on Debian
Building my new NAS I am using a single laptop disk (for now, possibly an SSD later) for my OS and will by adding several 1 TB disks into a RAID. While in Webmin trying to setup the “Linux RAID” feature I ran into an error: The kernel RAID status file /proc/mdstat does not exist […]