Install a windows laptop and setup everything according to your wishes. On Windows 10 you will need to remove all the apps from MarketPlace before capturing the image with the following command in PowerShell:
Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage
After you have done this open run:
sysprep /oobe /generalize /shutdown
Once this is done, boot into the USB stick you used during the installation. Select your locale, language and keyboard layout and goto the next screen. Here you select “Repair Windows”. Go into the “Solve an Issue” menu and select “Command Prompt”. Once in here you must run the following command:
dism /capture-image /ImageFile:D:\sources\install.wim /CaptureDir:C:\ /Name:Windows
Where the ImageFile is the output (I am writing directly onto the USB stick in my example) and the CaptureDir is the drive where Windows is located.
After this is done you just need to boot into the USB stick again on another machine with the same hardware specs and just follow the installer as normal.